There is no doubt 2020 has been a very challenging year for most people.
Summer is here, and it may not be like previous summers, but rest assure books have always been a brilliant form of escapism and inspiration that people need.
Below we have curated a list of 30+ new and upcoming books in 2020. They feature luscious blooms, ocean adventures, nature explorations and inspirational books from diverse authors we know you will enjoy.

We will never have enough of Kate Messner OVER AND UNDER series, and OVER AND UNDER THE WAVES did not disappoint.
When a girl and her family explore the bay on their boats, sea lions and other underwater creatures greet them. Beneath the waves, anchovies and jellyfish swam, while otters and humpback whales float through the waves.
Over the bay soared pelicans and shorebirds, but the most fascinating was the octopus that changes its color with the ocean.
The vivid illustrations by Christopher Silas Neal always capture the essence of his books.
We love ocean habitats and learning about the animals is super cool. AGE 4-6, PUBLISHER: Chronicle Books.

Joyce Wan’s new book YOU ARE MY SPARKLY MERMAID is super cute and sparkly.
Each page is adorned with colorful mermaids and vibrant oceanic illustrations with words that motivate mermaid lovers.
This book encourages children to embrace who they are and aim high. AGE 2-4, PUBLISHER: Cartwheel Books.

THE MORE THE MERRIER by David Martin is such a delight to read.
As bear happily dances through the forest, his friends join along with their signature moves.
Soon the forest is full of galumphing, slipping, and sliding, and it’s a dance party with each animal doing their signature maneuver.
The vibrant and fun illustrations by Raissa Figueroa make this a perfect read-aloud, and children will love the cute forest animals.
This book celebrates those differences, and the value of friendship. It’s about accepting those differences and it proves that marching to the beat of your own drum doesn’t exclude you from the pack.
AGE 4-8, PUBLISHER: Candlewick Press.

We are snapping into Shark Week with I AM THE SHARK by Joan Holub.
When a great white shark realizes he may not be that great, he rethinks his greatness and searches for characteristics that set him apart from the other sharks.
From hammerhead sharks with big brains to swift Tiger sharks, he learns of their differences, similarities, and what makes them special.
Though he’s not the largest or the sneakiest, he plays a very important role in the ocean. He learns to love and accept who he is and to be the best he can be.
With vibrant, oceanic illustrations by Laurie Keller, this hilarious book makes the perfect read-aloud for shark week.
It’s loaded with shark facts, and little aspiring marine biologists will love learning about their magnificent features.
AGE 4-8, PUBLISHER: Crown Books for Young Readers.

WILD IS THE WIND by Grahame Baker-Smith portrays the importance of wind and its value to the earth.
It features a girl named Cassie who lives in Africa. After nursing a swift back to health, she floats through the sky in her hot-air balloon and releases it into the wind with the other swifts.
The wind takes them along their journey, but the wind also plays a very significant role in nature.
It provides us with energy through turbines, whips the waves of the sea, and sculpts the sands of the deserts.
The wind creates caves and plateaus and the swift experience those changes along their journey. They arrive in another country, signaling the beginning of summer.
Cassie’s healing hands help welcome summer to Kûn in another country. The swifts rest until winter, then returns to Africa where Cassie awaits.
With warm, majestic illustrations, this book is absolutely remarkable and children can learn so much about the wind and about swifts.
AGE 4-8, PUBLISHER: Templar Books .

NOAH’S SEAL by Layn Marlow is a delightful, imaginative story featuring a boy named Noah and his love for seals.
While visiting the beach with Nana, he’d hope to see one but had no luck, so he created his own seal out of the sand.
Soon there was a storm, and the waves washed his seal away. Though his sandy seal was ruined, the storm also brought real seals ashore and Noah could see them.
NOAH’S SEAL celebrates creativity and fosters imagination. It amazed Noah to see his seal come to life.
With vivid, beach-life illustrations, this book teaches patience, hope and encourages children to believe in themselves.
AGE 4-8, PUBLISHER: Candlewick Press.

RIDE THE WIND by Nicola Davies is a wonderful story of courage and resilience.
It features a boy named Javier and his daring rescue of an albatross that got caught in their fishing net at sea.
After suffering the loss of his mother, Javier grew closer to the bird, as it reminded him of her. Even though his father never approved, Javier fed the albatross and kept her safe until she could fly again.
When his father sold the bird, unbeknownst to him, he set out to rescue her again and set her free to ride the wind.
This heartfelt story is full of empathy, hope, and adventure. Everyone handles loss differently, and for Javier, the albatross brought his comfort.
The vibrant and rustic illustrations by Salvatore Rubbino are absolutely magnificent and capture the essence of the entire story.
FUN FACT: Wandering Albatrosses have the biggest wingspan of any bird. They spend most of their lives flying over the Southern Ocean, and sometimes they get caught in fishing gear or swallow plastic, mistaking it for food. Most of the 22 different species of albatross are threatened with extinction.
AGE 4-8, PUBLISHER: Candlewick Press .

Do you know how life began? Out of the blue, how animals evolved from prehistoric seas by Elizabeth Shreeve is absolutely magnificent.
From microbes in the sea to mammals on land, this book portrays the periods in which evolution of species occur.
Each page is loaded with information about each era and organisms and feature bold and vibrant oceanic illustrations by Frann Preston-Gannon. It also includes chronological time stamp of all the eras and the creatures that inhabited it.
This book is perfect for nature lovers and little scientist who are obsessed with evolution. So as you stroll along the beach this summer, think about these organisms who were there from the beginning.
AGE 4-8, PUBLISHER: Candlewick Press .

CHASE THE MOON, TINY TURTLE by Kelly Jordan takes us on a loggerhead hatchling’s journey from land to sea.
When hatched, they begin their crawl to the ocean, guided by the moonlight. But the moon isn’t the only thing that’s out at night. Land and sea predators are waiting to grab these cute little turtles.
Page As they dodge, piercing eyes of owls, snapping jaws of dogs, and clawing paws of crabs, they shuttle their way diligently to the water.
With vivid, oceanic illustrations by Sally Walker, this beautiful book brings awareness to the importance of their survival and includes ways in which we can assist at the back of the book. PUBLISHER: Page Street Kids. Age: 4-8

SARAH AND THE BIG WAVE by Bonnie Tsui portrays the true story of Sarah Gerthartd.
She was the first woman to surf Mavericks, and today we celebrate her perseverance, strength, and courage.
She faced many challenges, since men dominated surfing, so they made surf suits and boards mostly for men. Sarah Gerhardt defied those odds.
Mavericks were big-wave surf breaks, sometimes 50 feet tall, that were very intimidating to surfers, but Sarah Gerhardt dominated them.
The vibrant oceanic hues by Sophie Diao are absolutely amazing, and intriguingly captures Sarah’s story so that every little reader can enjoy.
Sarah Gerhardt is a true inspiration to little surfers everywhere.
AGE 4-8, PUBLISHER: Henry Holt and Co.

As summer approaches, BEACH TOYS VS SCHOOL SUPPLIES by Mike Ciccotello is one of our favorite books.
Beach toys and school supplies are rivals. Beach toys believe in letting loose and having fun, while school supplies believe in working and learning.
To settle their rivalry, they had a sandcastle building contest.
While the beach toys are having fun building their castle, the school supplies intricately and quietly build theirs.
But the school supplies didn’t know to not build their castle close to the shore and as the waves drew nearer, the entire group put aside their rivalry to save the castle.
Ultimately, they learned that cooperation always gets the job done, and making new friends and letting loose once in a while can be really fun.
We love the message of balancing work and play, especially when it pertains to children. Accepting other’s differences and being kind makes the world more fun. AGE 4-8, PUBLISHER: Farrar, Straus and Giroux .

Summer to some means bare feet and open-toe shoes. SUMMER FEET by Sheree Fitch is a poetic ode to summer feet.
It celebrates every hop-scotching, hide-and-seeking, tree climbing, toe-tapping on the grass, toes that enjoy the freedom summer gives it.
I will inspire children to explore the joys of summer feet in the sand and stomping in muddy puddles.
The illustrations by Carolyn Fisher marvelously adorn every page with summer delight. AGE 4-8, PUBLISHER: Nimbus Publishing.

GARY THE SEAGULL by Christian Johnston is a hilarious book featuring a sneaky seagull name Gary.
Gary loved it when visitors come to the beach. He would try to steal their snacks and lunches, but the children chased him away.
He tried his special skill pretending to be a seagull officer or a health inspector, but nothing seemed to convince a boy to share his lunch. When Gary asked politely the boy shared and Gary flew away. Was sharing his sandwich with Gary a good idea? What happens next is surprisingly witty and funny.
The book encourages children to be polite and persistent, but also encourages sharing and is absolutely hilarious. The illustrations by Paul Hammond are bright, crafty, and vibrant, and we just adore Gary. AGE 4-8, PUBLISHER: Nimbus Publishing.

TODAY IS A BEACH DAY by Nancy Viau is another splendid summer book that children will love.
A family head to the beach for some ocean fun and while there, they explore the sand for seashells and rocks, fly kites and build sandcastles. After splashing in the waves, they have some cool ice cream and head home.
Beach days are perfect when you spend it with family and friends. This book is beautiful.
The rhyming text is perfect for toddlers, and the vivid and vibrant illustrations by Charlie Alder are wonderful. AGE 2-4, PUBLISHER: Albert Whitman & Company.

Christie Matheson’s THE HIDDEN RAINBOW is a burst of all the colors of the rainbow. Winter has ended and a little bee is excited to begin pollinating the newly grown flowers. Can you help the little bee find them?
From tickling tulips and finding hidden clovers, to counting bees and learning colors, THE HIDDEN RAINBOW is interactive and fun with beautiful, bright watercolor illustrations that children will love.
They learn the different types of flowers and about the importance of bees in pollination. AGE 2-4, PUBLISHER: Greenwillow Books.

I am obsessed with three things, books, butterflies and windchimes so when I received BUTTERFLIES BELONG HERE by Deborah Hopkinson, I could not be any happier.
This delightful and informative story portrays the life cycles of monarch butterflies as they migrate from Mexico to the north of America during the seasons.
It features an immigrant girl who learned English by reading about butterflies. Her love of monarch butterflies inspired her to make changes so that these butterflies can thrive.
Female monarch butterflies only lay eggs on one kind of plant called Milkweed. Milkweed is slowly becoming scarce because of human pollution and developmental buildings being built where they grew.
With the help of her school’s librarian, teachers and other students, they created a Monarch Way Station for planting milkweed to attract more butterflies.
This book is absolutely inspirational and relates to the girl as she also migrated to a new place, navigating and transforming through life’s changes.
Children can learn about these magnificent creatures and their life cycles. They help pollinate plants and they should be cherished and be allowed to thrive. BUTTERFLIES BELONG HERE is perfect for educators and little aspiring naturist.
It encourages children to make changes that help the environment. Allowing them to be brave and make a difference. The beautiful and vibrant illustrations by Meilo So are breathtaking and perfectly transcends the message in the book. AGE 5-9, PUBLISHER: Chronicle Book.

WE ARE WATER PROTECTORS by Carole Lindstrom sends a powerful message of unity and strength. When the government tries to run pipelines through indigenous lands, the people unite to defend the earth they depend on for everything.
It features a motivated girl who rallies the villagers to stand against this company, who she refers to as a gigantic snake. Lindstrom outlines the sacredness of water to the people and the destruction the pipeline will cause.
Change can be great, but when it affects animals and the livelihood of people, then they should speak up against it.
The illustrations by Michaela Goade are vibrant, with purple and blue hues that capture the essence of the story.
Many companies sometimes take advantage and destroy people who they think might be weaker than them, but uniting for change makes a tremendous difference. AGE 4-8, PUBLISHER: Roaring Brook Press.

The weekends are for grandparents and NANA’S GARDEN by Larissa Juliano features a girl’s visit to her nana garden. They pick red, ripe tomatoes and green basil, and she’s enchanted by pink and orange butterflies.
The rainbow hues by Francesca De Luca make the flowers in her garden look like sprinkles on a vanilla cupcake, and she loves watering the vegetables with grandpa.
In NANA’S GARDEN, children get to explore colors and meet the animals that help the garden flourish.
This book makes a perfect art project for younger children. AGE 2-4, PUBLISHER: Clever Publishing.

If you’re a collector of Yuval Zommer’s Big Book series, then you will love his new release, THE BIG BOOK OF BLOOMS.
All his books are extremely informative and bursting with vibrant artwork and this one did not disappoint.
From flower anatomy to Pollination, this book allows children to learn about flowers and their characteristics and their value to the earth. They make powerful medicine that fight diseases, and flowers like Hibiscus and Echinacea are brewed to help people grow strong and healthy.
Once you begin reading you won’t stop and what’s even more fun is finding the golden bulbs that are hidden throughout the book.
This wonderfully illustrated book is a total must-have for both parents, budding botanists, and educators. AGE 8+, PUBLISHER: Thames &Hudson.

SEEDS by Carme Lemniscates was easily our favorite springtime book for 2020 and it’s also a perfect summer read.
It starts with the most important sentence in the entire book; SEEDS CARRY THE POWER OF LIFE. It outlines the relevance and importance of seeds and portrays the reoccurring life cycle of seeds and its role in nature. A seed is tiny but can grow in size and quantity.

THE KEEPER OF WILD WORDS by Brooke Smith features a girl named Brooke who visits her grandmother Mimi. Mimi is a writer and enlists Brooke as an apprentice to help her remember words she’d forgotten.
Elated by the idea, Brooke thought it’s the perfect opportunity since she had no clue what to share for show-and-tell at school when the summer ended. Mimi wrote a list of words and gave it to Brooke, so she can find them during the day. Brooke became the keeper of wild words.
During their adventure, she looked for words on the list such as dandelion, willow, and acorn, and they awoke her senses. She could smell the sweet scents of violets and poppies and hear the gentle sounds of wrens. At the pond, she touched silver minnows as they swam circles in her palm and tasted fresh tangy mint from the ground.
The Oxford Junior Dictionary removed over 100 natural words from its pages. They no longer felt those words had relevance for today’s children, but these words are very much needed.
We need books like this that encourage little readers to know and understand how important these words are and become keepers of wild words themselves.
Being outdoors is very important for children. Brooke could not find the words on the list if they didn’t venture outside, and since exploring outdoors is relevant, why wouldn’t those words be too? The colorful illustrations by Madeline Kloepper are absolutely magnificent. AGE 4-8, PUBLISHER: Chronicle Books.

Khalil lives in a two-family home with his neighbor Mr. Hagerty.
Though different in age, they both loved similar things such as their backyard garden. They sat and kept each other’s company, helping each other remember things they forget.
They both dug for treasures in the backyard, but found nothing of value until their great minds came up with a plan that benefitted them both and created an even stronger bond.
We LOVE books of friendships between people of different generations. Children inspire and bring out the best in people, and elderly people are blessed with knowledge and wisdom that children can learn.
It encourages respect and thoughtfulness and the value of friendship. The vibrant illustrations by Elahah Taherian are so delightful. AGE 4-6, PUBLISHER: Candlewick Press.

SWASHBY AND THE SEA by Beth Ferry is such a sweet story of an unlikely friendship and companionship.
Retired Captain Swashby loved the sea, and they have always been friends. He lived close to it, and the sea provided him with everything he needed. He loved its peaceful tranquility until one day an adventurous girl and her granny moved into the house next door.
Swashby was not happy about that. He loved the quietness and didn’t want neighbors, so he left messages on the sand saying to stay away. The sea, however, kept washing away some of his words and the messages ended up being positive and encouraging to the girl.
Instead of NO TRESPASSING, the words read, SING, so the girl sang her heart out on Swashby’s deck. He was not happy.
The sea kept interfering with all his messages and even had more tricks by having Swashby save the girl from being swept away by the sea. This created a special bond that he was thankful for. Swashby now had friends, companionship, and best of all family.
The beige-tan, sand-ish illustrations by Juana Martinez-Neal gives a serene oceanic feel that makes it another perfect book for summer that sends a message of love and powerful intergenerational bond. AGE 4-8, PUBLISHER: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Books.

JULES VS. THE OCEAN by Jessie Sima is about sisterhood. Jules and her family arrive at the beach, and she can’t wait to impress her big sister by building the biggest, fanciest sand castle.
The ocean isn’t helping because whenever she builds; the waves come crashing it. She tries to monitor the ocean so it doesn’t wash away her castle, but that didn’t help, and to make matters worse it got her bucket.
What can Jules do? How will she impress her sister? Jules feels hopeless, but her hope is restored when her sister comes along and helps her build the biggest, fancies most excellent castle.
What’s not to love about sisterly bonds? Younger siblings emulate and try to impress older ones all the time.
This book creates a beautiful and engaging sister-dynamic that not all siblings may have, but should be encouraged. The illustrations are gorgeous and the book is perfect for promoting sisterly love and perfect for summer. AGE 2-6, PUBLISHER: Simon & Schuster.

Have you ever looked at a seashell and wonder where they came from or how they work? SEASHELLS MORE THAN A HOME by Melissa Stewart features these wonderful specimens and their role in protecting the creatures that inhabit them.
Armed with a pencil and notepad, a group of children searches for seashells during a day of exploration at the ocean.
This book outlines their similar operational mechanisms to certain objects. For instance, a nautilus floats up and down like a submarine because most of its shell is filled with a lightweight gas.
Some seashells even camouflage to protect themselves against predators. They are strong and provide great homes to mollusks all over the world.
This book contains tons of information about seashells and even features a glossary at the end. The beautiful oceanic hues by Sarah S. Brannon are amazing.
If you’re heading to the beach this summer, be sure to get this book and see how many similar shells you can find. It’s the perfect sea exploration book for the summer. AGE 4-8, PUBLISHER: Charlesbridge Publishing.

DON’T WORRY, LITTLE CRAB is another gem written by Chris Haughton.
Little Crab and Big Crab are leaving their little pond to visit the big ocean.
Little Crab is excited and full of anticipation, but when they arrive at the edge, he sees the enormous waves and gets a little nervous and wants to turn back.
As the waves get bigger, Big Crab moves him closer and closer into the ocean until they eventually enter and experience the beauty of the underwater life while meeting and playing with new friends.
DON’T WORRY, LITTLE CRAB, is a story of courage and support. It’s about taking a leap and being reassured that someone is going to always be there to catch you.
The illustrations are always breathtaking and it’s such a great message. AGE 2-6, PUBLISHER: Candlewick Press.

One of the best things about visiting the beach as a child is building sandcastles.
In SANDCASTLE by Einat Tsarfati a cute girl visits the beach with her parents and builds a sandcastle unlike any other. This sandcastle was huge with massive windows that overlooked the ocean.
People came from everywhere to see her castle. Kings and Queens, princesses, and knights had fun dancing and playing, until they realized everything was made of sand. That made them upset.
A fun game of sand-ball fight made them happy again, but caused the castle to tumble into the sea. SANDCASTLE explores a world of imagination that children will enjoy. It promotes creativity and resilience with a great message.
The bright and exquisite sandpaper-ish illustrations are delightful and remind you of a perfect beach day. AGE 4-6, PUBLISHER: Candlewick Press.


LET’S GO OUTSIDE by Amy Pixton and Ekaterinburg Trukhan is an indestructible picture book that introduces babies and toddlers to the wonders of outdoor fun.
Whether it’s splashing with fishes or mimicking tall trees, little ones will be eager to head out and smell the flowers with a little inspiration from these bright and vividly illustrated pages.
It’s a chew-proof, rip-proof and non-toxic book that’s also washable. AGE 6M-2, Publisher: Workman Publishing.

Every page in Patricia MacLachlan’s MY FRIEND EARTH flows into the next.
It begins with Mother Earth being awoken from a winter’s nap by a bird welcoming the start of spring. As she pierces through the vines, she hears the sounds of springtime and wakes the other animals on the prairie and in the ocean.
She brings summer rain to fill streams and blows the land dry, welcoming autumn leaves. As winter approaches, she sprinkles the snow and tucks the animals in, as they drift off to sleep awaiting spring again.
This book is amazing, the illustrations by Francesca Sanna are majestic and take you through every season with a wondrous delight.
The peek-through pages make it fun and interactive for toddlers and teach them to appreciate and cherish nature. Mother Nature works hard to make this world beautiful, and we should appreciate that. AGE 2-8, PUBLISHER: Chronicle Books.

Pete Oswald is no stranger to some of the most magnificent illustrations and his new book HIKE did not disappoint.
It’s a wordless picture book that features a boy and his father as they embark on a hike that further bonds their relationship.
As they leave the city, the anticipation builds with rustic and earthy illustrations. They notice lots of animals and explored nature, while recording everything. The boy even made drawings and collected data.
From melting snow fights, and majestic waterfalls to pristine landscapes, they delve into nature and take the reader with them. As they arrive to their destination, the reader sees the goal of the hike; they plant a tree and take a photograph.
As the suns sets they head back home after creating wonderful memories. The hike is a tradition that the father passed to his son.
Summer is here, and this book is perfect for little hikers and families who want to start a new tradition. The illustrations are captivating, making it one of our favorites for the year so far. AGE 2-6, Publisher:Candlewick Press.

Kate Messner and Christopher Silas Neal are back with another amazing book. OVER AND UNDER THE RAINFOREST is my favorite book of the year so far.
As Tito and his dad enter the rainforest, they are greeted with a symphony of sounds from the animals in the trees above them. The gurgling of oropendolas and the croaks of toucans signaling breakfast time.
Animals are everywhere. Agouti’s search the ground for fallen fruits, crocodiles bask in the sun and emerald basilisk run on the surface of the water.
The rainforest is amazing and full of unique creatures that children will be excited about. The vivid illustrations by Christopher Silas Neil always capture the essence of his books.
As you turn the pages, it submerges you into the rain forest with Tito and his dad, learning and experiencing what this wonderful habitat has to offer. AGE 4-8, PUBLISHER: Chronicle Books.


A WAY WITH WILD THINGS by Larissa Theule has some of the most beautiful illustrations of all our spring books. It features a shy, adorable girl named Poppy. She loves being outside playing with her bug friends and smelling flowers.
Poppy is what some might call an introverted extrovert. She loves being outside, but was very shy around people. She also loved being incognito and would camouflage with her surroundings.

In THE CAMPING TRIP by Jennifer K. Mann, little Ernestine is super excited for her first camping trip with her aunt Jackie and cousin Samantha.
She packs all the things on her camping list into her bag, including the trail mix she made with her dad and is ready to go.
When they arrive, they could smell the trees and fire and though Samantha is used to camping and jumps right into the lake for a swim, Ernestine is still hesitant.
They hike the trail, exploring nature, hugging trees and finding insects. Ernestine was having fun, but at night she began missing her daddy. Aunt Jackie reassures her it’s ok and shows her the beautiful starry sky.
Being away from parents for the first time and trying something new can be a little tough for children, but simple reassurances and making them feel comfortable always help to make adjusting easier. Being outside in nature definitely helped.
The luscious greens and earthy tones capture the essence of the entire book. AGE: 4-6, PUBLISHER: Candlewick Press.


OUTSIDE IN by Deborah Underwood is the perfect introduction to summer. We have all been stuck inside for a few months and everyone cannot wait to get back outside. However, outside reminds us of what we’re missing by rays of sunlight entering the windows of the house, creating dancing shadows inviting us to play.
We need outside. The cotton provides clothing and its trees give us a place to sit. Coupled with luscious, delicate illustrations by Cindy Derby OUTSIDE IN is a delightful addition to summer reading because when outside calls us, we answer. AGE 4-8, PUBLISHER: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Books.

LET’S PLAY OUTDOORS by Catherine Ard is such a wonderful book that encourages children to explore nature.
This book motivates children to experience nature and allows them to explore their creativity and learn about life outside the house or classroom. Nature is everywhere, even in your backyard.
From Nature Detective to Outdoor Dens, it’s loaded with tips and information that make being outside fun and engaging. The illustrations by Carla McRae are magnificent, making this book perfect for younger children, teachers and educators. AGE 5-10, PUBLISHER: Little Gestalten.

A STORY ABOUT AFIYA by James Berry is a captivating book that features a young, spirited girl named Afiya.
She owns a white frock that she washes every night because it collects everything she encounters on her adventures during the day.
Whether it’s walking through the rose and sunflower fields, visiting animals at the zoo, or watching the fishes by the sea, they all imprinted on her white dress. When she returns home, her frock is adorned with sketches and designs she picked up along the way.
A STORY ABOUT AFIYA pays homage to the playfulness and imaginative nature that is the beauty of childhood.
Rather than seeing the dress full of dirt, it reflected the fun and adventures Afiya had during the day.
The illustrations by Ann Cunha are majestic with chalk-like hues that capture the message in the book. AGE 2-6, PUBLISHER: Lantana Publishing.

They understood how valuable bees are, but one stung Kaia before, so she did not like them very much.

Can a pirate and a prince learn to share? In THE FORT by Laura Perdew, two unlikely friends loved playing at the same outdoor fort.
When the prince played in the fort, he planned to host a royal feast, and when the pirate played in the fort; she voyaged to an uncharted land.
Both were not happy about the other invading their space, and when they met, neither wanted to give up their fort.
They agreed on a space voyage and imagined guiding the spacecraft and orbiting the earth, exploring space, and making new scientific discoveries. They played together and had the most fun.
We love books that encourage sharing and embracing one’s differences. You are not always going to agree on things or want the same things, but playing together means learning together. It encourages Imaginative Play, which enhances social skills and encourages sharing.
The illustrations by Adelina Lirius are vibrant, innovative, and imaginative. Every detail allows you to imagine yourself at a royal castle or on a pirate ship. The transparent book jacket introduces an imaginative aspect that children will love. AGE 4-8, PUBLISHER: Page Street Kids.

TIARA’S HAT PARADE by Kelly Starling Lyons features a girl named Tiara, whose mother owns a hat studio called Tracy Rose Millinery.
Tiara would model the hats for the other ladies at the store as they cheered. Until one day a new hat store opened, selling hats that cost less than her mom’s. They closed their store and her mother had to teach art at her school again.
Feeling inspired, Tiara thought of a plan to cheer her mother up. With the help of the other ladies, they paraded their hats and told stories of how her hats made them feel when they wore it. This made her mother happy and inspired.
You cannot read this book and not be in awe of the illustrations by Nicole Tadgell. It’s vibrant, vivid, and details every emotion.
Losing something you love and worked hard toward can be difficult and emotional, especially in families.
Tiara’s idea for boosting her mom’s confidence was a big hit. It reassured her and encouraged her to never give up on doing the things you love. AGE 5-10, PUBLISHER: Albert Whitman & Company.

GOOD GUYS, BAD GUYS by Joanna Rocklin is the ultimate good/bad battle of pretend play between children. It features twin boy and girl pretending to be good and one pretending to be bad when they invite their friends over for a play date.
The bad guys are slouchy, don’t brush their teeth, and dress as mischief-causing pirates.
Throughout the game, the good guys save the day by stopping plank walks and chasing the bad guys away.
The bad guys play with mud and eat messily and the good guys sing songs and play music.
At the end of the game, they say goodbye to their friends, and they each get ready for bed, switching up the roles as tomorrow comes. This book is very imaginative and allows children to play different roles. I love that when the lights go out you can’t tell which one was good or which one was bad because it was all in good fun.
Children can explore their imagination and improvise because it’s healthy for their developing minds.
The illustrations by Nancy Carpenter are witty, crafty, and cunning but also bright and engaging that every child would just love. AGE 4-8, PUBLISHER: Abrams Kids.


A LITTLE SPACE FOR ME by Jennifer Gray Olson is one of my top 5 favorite books for the year so far.
It features a girl being bombarded by everyday life. Life for her feels too crowded, too loud, too messy, too everything. One day she got her own space by climbing up a ladder and collected some space from above.
She collected so much space that there wasn’t much space for anything or anyone else. Her mind finally felt at peace because she had space to think, breathe, rest, dream and feel. This allowed her to share some space with people around her, yet always keeping a little for herself.
This is such a wonderful book that everyone would love because we all need a little space sometimes. Space from work, school, family, or friends to just unwind and be mindful and grateful.
It promotes mental stability and self-awareness, no matter how old you are. The illustrations are vivid and detailed and incorporate well with the message in the book. This is a definite must-have. AGE 5-8, PUBLISHER: Macmillan Kids.

EARLY SUNDAY MORNING by Denene Millner is about love, family, and community. It features a girl named June as she prepares for her choir solo at church on Sunday.
June loves to sing and does it every chance she gets, but she is a little scared of singing in front of an entire congregation.
People from the village give her tips on what she should do, such as pretending the congregation has watermelon heads. Though she’s jittery, she remembers her father’s advice about focusing on one thing to get the job done. He reassures her she would do great.
On Sunday as her family prepares for church, her father pretends he isn’t able to see her sing, but to her surprise, before she sings he burst through the door to cheer her on.
I was smiling through this entire book because it reminds me of my childhood growing up in the church and singing in the choir. The illustrations by my favorite illustrator Vanessa Brantley Newton captures the entire essence of this book.
The food, the mood, and the nostalgia are a positive representation of a typical black family that people can relate to. AGE 4-8, PUBLISHER: Denene Millner Books/ Simon and Schuster Books.

LION NEEDS A HAIRCUT by Hyewon Yum is perfect for Father’s Day. Lion cub needs a haircut, but he’s hesitant. No matter how many roars and convincing he receives from his father, he just doesn’t want to do it.
The cub uses reverse psychology and suggests the only way he’ll get one is if daddy gets one with him.
Getting a haircut for the first time can be a challenge for both parent and child, and this book can help you erase fears and make children comfortable. They can even read it while they get their haircut. First haircuts are special to most parents and it creates a special bond between father and son.
The illustrations are witty and cute and it’s so funny. thank you Abrams Books for sending us this book. AGE 4-8, PUBLISHER: AbramKids.

Christian Robinson’s motivational, recent release YOU MATTER, encourages inclusivity in a world that may make you feel like they’re not.
You matter if you’re first or last, big or small, and even when everyone thinks you’re a pest. Every single being matters.
In true Christian Robinson style, the illustrations are vibrant with transitions that relate to children and make them feel included.
This book is amazing and apart from being relevant today, it’s a positive affirmation that everyone can relate to and be inspired. AGE 4-8, PUBLISHER: Atheneum Books for Young Readers.

In DO NOT GO IN THERE by Ariel Horn, Bogart and Morton are creature friends who didn’t agree on most things. When facing a red door with a golden knob, the friends had mixed thoughts about whether to enter.
Bogart was very skeptical about entering, fearing that there might be something scary behind the door, whereas Morton was optimistic and reassured him that everything would be perfectly fine. Maybe there are fireworks and party balloons, Morton said.
No matter how much of a pessimist Bogart was, Morton reassured him that no matter the circumstance, the outcome will amaze because they took a chance and opened the door.
We face countless opportunities, and we may miss them because of fear or skepticism, however, there is no reward without taking some risks.
We absolutely love this book, and the illustrations by Izzy Burton are splendidly bright and witty. The friendship dynamic is amazing. We all need friends who encourage and support us to take risks and open doors. AGE 2-6, PUBLISHER:Imprint, Macmillan Kids.

A BEN OF ALL TRADES by Michael J. Rosen portrays the life of Benjamin Franklin as a boy growing up in Boston. Benjamin loved books and swimming and possessed a passion for sailing.
He swam all day in the nearby pond using two wooden paddles he carved together and loved doing tricks in the water. His father, however, wanted more for him, so Ben apprenticed as a Joiner and even a cobbler, but nothing intrigued him as much as the ocean.
He started helping his brother at his print shop and fell in love with writing. His articles were always different and though he never became a sailor, he thrived as a journalist, inventor, political leader, scientist, and postmaster. He was also a founding father of the U.S. and appears on our $100 bill.
Benjamin Franklin was the only one of the Founding Fathers to sign the Declaration of Independence, the Treaty of Paris, and the Constitution.
The illustrations by Matt Tavares are so vivid and realistic, they look like printed photographs. Though initially a slaveholder, at the end of his life he became an anti-slavery advocate and is one of the greatest leaders in the history of America. AGE 6-10, PUBLISHER: Candlewick Press.