My first pop-up ENDANGERED ANIMALS by Owen Davey introduced children to endangered animals around the world.
Every page highlights an animal and its characteristics, along with the continent they inhabit.
From the Harlequin poison frog of Colombia to the Kakapo of New Zealand, this book is guaranteed to be a favorite for little readers. Publisher: Candlewick(Age 4-8)

BOOKS AREN’T FOR EATING by Carlie Sorosiak is super cool and funny.
It features a goat named Leopold who loved sweaters with goats printed on them and books…once he learned not to eat them. He imagined being inside the books and becoming the characters.
He owned a bookstore and suggested books to the customers that match their style. It made him happy until another goat walked into his bookstore, asked for a book, then ate pages. It devastated Leopold.
“Books aren’t for eating,” he said, but the other goat did not know that, so Leopold taught him the value of them, but the goat still ate them.
The next day, Leopold gave the goat a book he felt he would love. When he opened the book to eat the pages, he was captivated and started reading, nonstop. He realized that the words and the stories fed him and left him full instead of the pages.
Books are amazing, and we love books about other books. This story can help encourage children who struggle with finding a book they love or who aren’t excited about reading.
The bold and vibrant illustrations by Manu Montoya are absolutely amazing. Publisher: Walker Books US(Age 4-8)
hat cat

HAT CAT by Troy Wilson is so adorable. Every day an old man sat on his deck feeding nuts from his hat to the squirrels.
One day he discovered a cat hiding under his hat and named it Hat.
The old man fed and petted it every day and kept it safe. He grew attached to the cat and as much as the cat wanted to be let out, the old man never allowed it to leave the house for fear of it running away.
One day the old man is gone but his family comes, finally giving the cat a chance to go outside.
Hat misses the old man and though he’s happy to be outside, he never leaves.
The old man returns and is happy to see his friend Hat.
The illustrations by Eve Coy are absolutely marvelous with the bold colors this book is perfect for a couple of hours. Publisher: Candlewick Press(Age 4-8)

TWO DOGS by Ian Falconer is absolutely hilarious.
It features two adorable dachshunds named Perry and Augie, playing happily in the house while their owner is away.
They created chaos throughout the house, then figured out a way to escape to the yard.
From playing on swings, and swimming in the pool to digging holes, there is never a dull moment with these two mischievous pups.
This book will have you cracking up just thinking about the inner workings of your dog’s mind and what actually happens when left alone.
The colorful and witty illustrations make this book even more hilarious, and dog lovers will adore it. Publisher: Michael di Capua Books(Age 4-8)

EVERYWHERE WITH YOU by Carlie Sorosiak is a wonderful book about companionship and friendship.
In two neighboring houses separated by a fence, a playful dog howled every night in one, and a sweet girl who eventually becomes his friend lived in the other.
She visits him every night through the fence, feeding him snacks and reading stories of underwater adventures and pirates.
He waits for her every night until one night he sees her inside with her family and longs to be a part of it.
Finally, the rain comes and creates a hole that allows him to escape to her door. Happy to see each other, his owner let her keep him.
This is a heartwarming story of friendship and love. It takes readers on a wild adventure where imagination runs wild and celebrates the bond between animals and humans.
The bold, vibrant illustrations by Devon Holzwarth are absolutely breathtaking, and dog lovers would adore this book. Publisher: Walker Books US (Age 4-8)

ANIMALS by Maud Poulain is perfect for animal lovers.
This interactive pop-up book features animals all over the world. From the African safari, the North Pole, to rivers and mountains, children will have so much fun exploring these habitats.
The bold and vivid illustrations by Peggy Nille are absolutely remarkable, and the pop-ups are engaging and informative. Publisher: Twirl (Age 4-8)

AT THE POND by David Elliott explores the habitats on a pond in all its glory.
As the day begins, the animals in the pond awake.
The frog awaits the opening lilies, and the noble heron looks for its meal.
From dragonflies and beavers to water snakes and turtles, life on the pond is boisterous and children learn about the wonderful creatures that inhabit it.
Amy Schimler-Safford’s bright and bold illustrations are absolutely captivating and portray the symbiotic balance within the pond.

EXTRAORDINARY ANIMALS by Sandra Laboucarie features some amazing animals and their characteristics. The lift and flaps, tabs, slides, and pop-ups are a huge hit for us.
Most animals can do amazing things, but there are some animals that perform remarkable tasks when trained to do so.
Did you know horses can soothe anxious children and encourage confidence, or that chimpanzees can make sticks to pull termites out of their mounds?
Wonderfully illustrated by Vinciane Schleef, this book takes learning about our favorite animals to the next level and will have readers of every age intrigued.

NOT THAT PET by Smriti Prasadam-Halls is hilarious and fun to read.
Mabel’s mom gives her the job of choosing the family pet, and she couldn’t be more excited.
First, she chooses an elephant, but as playful and huggable as he was, he was too big and trampled over everything.
Next, she chooses a colony of ants, but they were too small and got into her dad’s underpants.
From a smelly skunk to a slithering snake to a growling bear and a giggling hyena, none of these pets was a good fit for her family.
After almost giving up, Mabel thought long and hard and finally got the cutest, most lovable pet that no one would guess.
With bold and playful illustrations by Rosalind Beardshaw, this cute book will have you smiling through the pages. The animals are so adorable. and so is this cute family.
A definite must-have for pet lovers.

THE POUT-POUT FISH and the WORRY-WORRY WHALE by Deborah Diesen is the recent addition to the series.
While heading to a party, Mr. Fish meets his friends Willa the Whale, who looks worried.
Willa is anxious that she might not fit in at the party, but with deep breaths and reassurances from Mr. Fish, she gains the courage to go partying with her friends.
We all feel anxious, out of place, or just awkward sometimes, but having confidence in yourself along with supportive friends can make a huge difference.
With pictures by Isidore Monés, this book is perfect for first-day school jitters and great for dealing with social anxiety.

Catherine Macorol’s new book, A IS FOR AXOLOTL: An Unusual Animal ABC features an alphabet of unique animals that everyone can learn and enjoy.
From the long-tongued Okapi to the sweet smiles of the Quokka, this interactive book takes learning the ABC’S and learning about animals a whole other level.
With lush, vibrant illustrations, children expand their knowledge of these magnificent creatures. Plus, it includes a glossary of info about each animal.

Mary Murphy writes and illustrates the best books and this new release CHIRP did not disappoint.
As morning approaches, the birds wake up and they each start chirping.
From the warble of the Thrush to the clacks of the Magpies, each winged friend begins their morning by lifting their voice.
As a little bluebird awaits a chance to sing, it realizes it has to speak up to be heard. The noise soon comes to a haunt, and it bellows out a glorious zippy tune as they all welcome the sun and the start of a new day.
The illustrations are illuminating and grow more vivid as the sun transitions through the pages.
This book is perfect for little bird lovers. It encourages children to speak up no matter how small they may be or feel. A definite must-have.

SHEEPISH (wolf under cover) by Helen Yoon is a heartfelt yet hilarious book about friendship.
Wolf is in the mood for some yummy sheep, so he infiltrates a sheep farm dressed as one of them.
He thinks they don’t know that he’s a wolf because he fits right in.
He plans to reveal himself when they least expect it, but he ends up having so much fun being a sheep that he leaves the farm and decides not to eat them.
It’s wonderful to celebrate our differences because it inspires change and encourages friendship with people who aren’t like you.
With vibrant, witty illustrations, this book was an instant favorite of ours and further proves that being different makes the world more fun.
out of the blue

Do you know how life began?
OUT OF THE BLUE, how animals evolved from prehistoric seas by Elizabeth Shreeve is absolutely magnificent.
From microbes in the sea to mammals on land, this book portrays the periods in which evolution of species occur.
Each page is loaded with information about each era and organisms and feature bold and vibrant oceanic illustrations by Frann Preston-Gannon.
It also includes chronological time stamp of all the eras and the creatures that inhabited it.
This book is perfect for nature lovers and little scientist who are obsessed with evolution.
So as you stroll along the beach this summer, think about these organisms who were there from the beginning
Publisher: Chronicle Book. Age: 2-4

RIDE THE WIND by Nicola Davies is a wonderful story of courage and resilience.
It features a boy named Javier and his daring rescue of an albatross that got caught in their fishing net at sea.
After suffering the loss of his mother, Javier grew closer to the bird, as it reminded him of her. Even though his father never approved, Javier fed the albatross and kept her safe until she could fly again.
When his father sold the bird, unbeknownst to him, he set out to rescue her again and set her free to ride the wind.
This heartfelt story is full of empathy, hope, and adventure. Everyone handles loss differently, and for Javier, the albatross brought his comfort.
The vibrant and rustic illustrations by Salvatore Rubbino are absolutely magnificent and capture the essence of the entire story.
FUN FACT: Wandering Albatrosses have the biggest wingspan of any bird. They spend most of their lives flying over the Southern Ocean, and sometimes they get caught in fishing gear or swallow plastic, mistaking it for food. Most of the 22 different species of albatross are threatened with extinction.
chase the moon tiny turtle

CHASE THE MOON, TINY TURTLE by Kelly Jordan takes us on a loggerhead hatchling’s journey from land to sea.
When hatched, they begin their crawl to the ocean, guided by the moonlight. But the moon isn’t the only thing that’s out at night. Land and sea predators are waiting to grab these cute little turtles.
Page As they dodge, piercing eyes of owls, snapping jaws of dogs, and clawing paws of crabs, they shuttle their way diligently to the water.
With vivid, oceanic illustrations by Sally Walker, this beautiful book brings awareness to the importance of their survival and includes ways in which we can assist at the back of the book. PUBLISHER: Page Street Kids. Age: 4-8

NO BUDDY LIKE A BOOK by Allan Wolf celebrates books and encourages a love for reading.
We learn so much from books. The words come alive when we read and our imagination runs wild. A book is the best buddy because it can take you to places you’ve never dreamed of going.
This book is amazing, and the vibrant and imaginative illustrations by Brianne Farley invite children to explore their imagination and develop the joy of reading. Reading is learning.

FARM LULLABY by Karen Jameson is a sweet bedtime book featuring farming animals as they prepare their young ones for bed.
The animals are super cute and children read and enjoy a typical night on a farm with soothing animals sounds
The illustrations by Wednesday Kirwan are absolutely bold and vibrant and are sure to calm little ones before bed. Publisher: Chronicle Books. Age: 2-4

It’s going to be winter soon and some birds are going to migrate south, but other birds thrive in the snow.
SNOW BIRDS by Kirsten Hall portrays these lovely birds in their natural habitat. From Snow Goose soaring through the air to the snowy footprints of the Black Rosy-Finch, these birds are so wonderful.
Apart from the magnificent illustrations by Jenni Desmond, we love the information about all the birds at the end of the book.

We are snapping into Shark Week with I AM THE SHARK by Joan Holub.
When a great white shark realizes he may not be that great, he rethinks his greatness and searches for characteristics that set him apart from the other sharks.
From hammerhead sharks with big brains to swift Tiger sharks, he learns of their differences, similarities, and what makes them special.
Though he’s not the largest or the sneakiest, he plays a very important role in the ocean. He learns to love and accept who he is and to be the best he can be.
With vibrant, oceanic illustrations by Laurie Keller, this hilarious book makes the perfect read-aloud for shark week.
It’s loaded with shark facts, and little aspiring marine biologists will love learning about their magnificent features.

BUTTERFLIES BELONG HERE by Deborah Hopkinson is such a delightful and informative story that portrays the life cycles of monarch butterflies as they migrate from Mexico to the north of America during the seasons.
It features an immigrant girl who learned English by reading about butterflies. Her love of monarch butterflies inspired her to make changes so that these butterflies can thrive.
Female monarch butterflies only lay eggs on one kind of plant called Milkweed. Milkweed is slowly becoming scarce because of human pollution and developmental buildings being built where they grew. With the help of her school’s librarian, teachers, and other students, they created a Monarch Way Station for planting milkweed to attract more butterflies.
This book is absolutely inspirational and relates to the girl as she also migrated to a new place, navigating and transforming through life’s changes. Children can learn about these magnificent creatures and their life cycles. They help pollinate plants and they should be cherished and be allowed to thrive.
BUTTERFLIES BELONG HERE is perfect for educators and little aspiring naturist. It encourages children to make changes that help the environment. Allowing them to be brave and make a difference. The beautiful and vibrant illustrations by Meilo So are breathtaking and perfectly transcends the message in the book. AGE:4-10
where the wee ones go

WHERE THE WEE ONES GO by Karen Jameson is perfect for bedtime and features endangered animals from around the world.
From swinging Orangutans through the treetops of Sumatra to snoozing Hippo calves in Zambia, these beautiful endangered animals snuggle up t sleep with their mommies and daddies just as our little ones do.
With vivid illustrations by Zosienka, Where The Wee Ones Go became an instant favorite at our house. Publisher: Chronicle Book. Age: 2-4

IF YOU TAKE AWAY THE OTTER by Susannah Buhrman-Deever explores the undersea habitat of the Pacific coast.
Just like a forest has trees, the ocean is laden with kelp. Kelp or seaweed is an alga that’s considered the trees of the ocean. Many animals such as clams, octopuses, and crabs live near Kelp, but the king of this underwater wonderland is the Sea Otter. They eat food such as sea urchins and crabs.
Sea Otters have the densest fur of any animal, and they are being hunted and sold all over the world.
Just like any habitat, Otters are needed to sustain the habitat. The animals eat the kelp and the sea otters eat the animals.
When you harm the otters, there is an increase in sea urchins. More sea urchins mean less kelp because the urchins eat kelp. Kelp not only feed animals, they offer protection so it disrupts the cycle when one is taken out of place.
This book is full of information about these wonderful sea creatures and brings awareness to the devastation that we cause to our planet.
The oceanic hues by Matthew Trueman are vibrant and the animals will intrigue little future marine biologists.

THE FOX AND THE FOREST FIRE by Danny Popovici is a beautiful story of friendship and hope.
When a boy moves into the forest with his mother, he misses the city because the forest is too quiet. After a while, he becomes friends with a fox and finally feels at home roaming and exploring the forest.
One morning, a fire started in the forest and, along with scurrying animals, the boy’s family had to leave their new home. When the smoke cleared, they returned to rebuild and so did the animals in the forest.
This book brings awareness to wild forest fires and encourages people to protect the animals and people that live there. The illustrations are absolutely magnificent.
There is information at the back of the book about wildfires and how to protect the forest.

CAN BEARS SKI by Raymond Antrobus is such a sweet,heartwarming story.
It features a Dad Bear discovering his Little Bear can’t hear very well.
The little bear feels vibrations and knows when someone is talking to him, but he never understands.
When asked, “Can you hear me,” he hears “Can Bear Ski,” so Daddy Bear took him to visit the Audiologist.
She examines his ears and ran tests, then gave him plastic ears called hearing aids. Now bear can hear and understand a lot better.
This book is absolutely beautiful and relatable. Especially to those hearing impaired. It’s hopeful and also allows children to understand some challenges their hearing-impaired friends go through.
The illustrations by Polly Dunbar are absolutely amazing with bright, vivid colors, and Little Bear is SO cute.

IMAGINE A WOLF by Lucky Platt is such a powerful story about stereotypes.
When you imagine a wolf, do you think of large teeth, a big bad wolf, or even huffing and puffing? Well, not all wolves are bad, and judging someone based on their appearance or past can hurt their feelings.
Getting to know someone for who they are and celebrating our differences can make a big impact on the world.
That person might be the one to help you when you need it the most.
Like the wolf in this story, sometimes people just want to fit in. She is kind and helpful and wishes that everyone would accept her for who she is.
The vibrant and witty illustrations are amazing and capture the essence of the message in this book.

In HOW TO BE COOLER THAN COOL by Sean Taylor, three animal friends find a pair of sunglasses that they thought would make them look cool.
Cat thought it would make her slide backward down the slide. Cockatoo thought he could dance on the see-saw, and Pig thought he could stand and swing, but all their tricks ended with accidents.
When Chick arrives, she proves that sunglasses don’t make them cool, but the best way to be cool is by being yourself and having fun.
With vibrant and witty illustrations by Jean Jullien, this book makes a perfect addition to our summer/back-to-school favorites.
It’s about friendship and encourages children to just be themselves. AGE:4-8
something's wrong

SOMETHING’S WRONG by Jory John is a hilarious book about true friendship. It features a bear named Jeff who unbeknownst to himself leaves his house in his underwear.
He feels odd as he meets the other animals in the forest, but no one tells him about his underwear.
He remembers eating his breakfast and taking a bath, but he just can’t put his finger on what’s wrong, so he runs over to his best friend Anders to see if he can help.
Being a great friend, Anders informs Jeff of his underwear situation, but assures him it’s ok to be different.
Because he’s a bear and animals don’t wear underwear, it doesn’t mean that they can’t start wearing.
With vibrant, earthy illustrations by Erin Kraan, this book is absolutely beautiful and celebrates our differences. Being supportive is the best gift you can give to a friend.

Do you know that some pets that you own today came from prehistoric animals that lived millions of years ago?
In PREHISTORIC PETS by Dr. Dean Lomax, we explore seven prehistoric ancestors of modern pets with glorious pop-ups that are sure to engage young readers.
It explores the Tree of Life and features familiar animals such as dogs, cats, and horses which evolved from animals that walked the earth millions of years ago.
It’s loaded with fun facts about each animal and its predecessors and features scientific names and pronunciations of them all.
The parakeet is a descendant of the velociraptor, and the corn snake is a descendant of the Titanoboa. That’s so cool.
With vivid illustrations by Mike Love, this book will tantalize and intrigue Dino lovers and animal lovers young and old.

NORTH & SOUTH: A tale of two hemispheres by Sandra Morris is a super informative book that teaches children about the two hemispheres and the animals that inhabit these regions.
From Scottish Ptarmigan and Japanese macaque to Lesser Flamingos and Polar bears, this book allows children to learn valuable information that can change the way these animals are affected.
We learn about their characteristics and how to save those on the brink of extinction if we change the way we treat our planet.
There is so much information that little scientists, animal lovers, and researchers will enjoy. The vivid illustrations are sure to entice readers, plus it features a glossary. How cool is that?

Did you know that many baby animals in Australia are called Joey’s, hatchlings, and chicks, and others are also called fry, puggle, and pups?
AUSTRALIAN BABY ANIMALS by Frané Lessac introduces children to these wonderful animals and their young’s.
From kangaroos and Kookaburra to Possums and Pythons, we learn how they hatch, feed, and even play.
The vibrant illustrations will intrigue little animal lovers as they explore the wonderful animals of Australia.

WOODLAND DREAMS by Karen Jameson welcomes autumn’s outdoor adventures and the beginning of winter as animals get ready to hibernate.
As a girl walks through the forest, she observes and documents the animals she sees. From a honey-loving bear to the shiny scales of fish swimming home, this book is such a delight to read.
Karen Jameson vividly describes each animal in their characteristic trait a calm, rhythmic mood that makes a perfect bedtime book.
Little nature lovers will love the vibrant illustrations by Marc Boutavant. It’s incredibly mind-blowing. Thank you to our bookish besties @chroniclekidsbooks for sending us this wonderful book. Publisher: Chronicle Books Age: 4-8